Forestry South Africa

Breaking news

Forestry Sector Masterplan has been approved

Members will recall that at the end of 2019, we reported the PPGI commitments had to be captured in a Masterplan, with details on implementation, structures for delivery etc. The process, led by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition has recently be concluded and FSA is delighted to report that the Forestry Sector Masterplan was formally endorsed by the Executive Oversight Committee and the Deputy Minister of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. The Master Plan is supported by a Governance Structure, an Implementation Plan and a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. The approved Forestry Sector Masterplan has at its core the same commitments (of both the public and private sectors), as those captured in the Presidentially-led Public Private Growth Initiative (PPGI). FSA would like to acknowledge all our members for their participation and informing this process.