17 January 2022 – Annual Status of Transformation for the Forestry Sector 2020-21

The Forest Sector Charter Council (FSCC) is mandated to compile an annual report detailing the status of transformation in the Sector. As reported previously, the FSCC is one of the few Councils that has consistently compiled this report. The 14th report for the 2020/21 financial year has been made available. The Sector maintained a Level 4 B-BBEE Status even under the harsh economic conditions worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The FSCC has expressed their concern that the scorecard had no deviations to accommodate reporting under such extreme conditions. As such, the FSCC has drafted a Schedule 4, detailing measurement criteria for B-BBEE measurement in the Forest Sector when a National Disaster has been declared. The Schedule 4 has been supported for gazetting by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC), and members of FSA will be notified once gazetted under section 9(5) of the B-BBEE Act, as amended, allowing for public comment. The FSCC has expressed their gratitude to the Forestry Sector and are encouraged that our members still prioritised B-BBEE even under such difficult economic times.

The FSCC has also implores members to report on B-BBEE and share their 2021/2022 B-BBEE certificate and underlying report, for the compilation of the annual status report of transformation of the sector for the 2022/22 financial year. The date of issue of the certificate and report, as well as of the affidavit, is between 1st April 2021 and 31st March 2022.

Please note the following requirements with regards to the three types and sizes of the enterprises:

Medium and Large Enterprises (MLEs)

MLEs are obliged to submit a scorecard certificate together with the underlying report.

Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs)

Unenhanced QSEs are required to submit a scorecard certificate together with the underlying report. Enhanced QSEs (majority black owned) should submit an FSCC affidavit or CIPC certificate (available on the FSCC website).

Exempted Micro Enterprises (EMEs)

EMEs are required to submit an FSCC Affidavit or CIPC certificate.


All the required information i.e. B-BBEE certificates and reports from MLEs must be submitted to evidence@forestsectorcharter.co.za

QSEs and EMEs are also requested to submit either their B-BBEE reports or affidavits to thabo@forestsectorcharter.co.za

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