April/May newsletter – @forestry_explained Instagram followers light up lockdown
Social media has never been as relevant as it has during lockdown; providing a platform to share content with family and friends, swap lockdown survival tips with the nation and even the odd viral video. Across the world, social media has been the best, if not the only way, to keep in touch.
Through FSA’s Instagram profile, @forestry_explained, we have looked at ways of celebrating the Sector and promoting positivity during this challenging time. The first 21 days of lockdown saw us participate in the ‘Global Gratitude Challenge’, posting aspects of forestry that we are grateful for but have sometimes taken for granted.
During the lockdown extension period we have changed tact, focusing on our followers and celebrating their love of forestry. This promotion has been by far one of our favourites, as it has allowed us to get to know some of our followers and get a glimpse of the Industry we love through their eyes.
Everyone involved in the @forestry_explained take over was asked to provide four photos, as well as a brief explanation of each picture and a bit about themselves. The wide array of photos and reasons to love forestry perfectly reflected the diversity and passion found within the Sector.
While some made us smile and others made us feel proud, none resonated quite as much as this quote from third-year Forestry Student Gerrit Pool, providing the perfect sign-off for this FSA newsletter.
“The reason I love forestry is not just because I was raised in and around the industry, but because forestry in South Africa is about so much more than just planting and harvesting trees; it is about taking hands with communities, actively conserving natural areas and creating a myriad of jobs. I love that working in forestry allows me to give back into the world and the views are pretty amazing too!”